Objav Krista
news on www.cssrredemptoristi.com
From the time of the City Mission in Bratislava in October 2010 Redemptorists and lay missionaries of the Calvary Bratislava Fellowship have been offering three courses for evangelization and formation in Slovakia.
All three courses are a great opportunity to respond to the call of our recent Popes to discover, follow and share Christ and so to become missionary disciples. The courses originated in a lay missionary organization in USA. See christlife.org.
Discover Christ is a seven-week evangelization process. It is a course that provides a relational context in which members of a parish, campus ministry etc. can bring family and friends to hear the good news and personally encounter Jesus Christ!
Following Christ is a seven-week formation course inviting people who have encountered Jesus in Discovering Christ to grow as Catholic disciples.
Sharing Christ is a course of seven sessions for Catholics, teaching them how to share the Gospel personally with others.
All the talks are available on DVDs. There are also manuals as practical aids for the courses.
These courses have also been offered by the Commission for Evangelization of Conference Europe, as one of the tools of our ministry of evangelization.
For more information:
Courses in Slovakia: objavkrista.sk.
Courses in USA and Canada; christlife.org
Fr. Rastislav Dluhý, C.Ss.R