Objav Krista
Following Christ training conference.
25. - 26, August - Catholic University in Ruzomberok
After the Discovering Christ conferences, which equipped people for "Discovering Christ Courses", we will be holding a follow-up conference named Following Christ Training conference.
Detailed information about Following Christ »
Aims of Following Christ:
- Catholic Discipleship
- Following Jesus in Our Daily Lives
- The Importance of Relationships
Dave Nodar - founder of Christlife and creator of the evangelization process consisting of: Discovering Christ, Following Christ, Sharing Christ
Leo Rudegeair - co-founder of Christlife.
Catholic University Ruzomberok, Philosophical Faculty
Hrabovská cesta 1, 034 01 Ružomberok
Hall of John Paul II (Aula Jána Pavla II)
Conference fee:
Until 30 June: 25,- EUR.
From 30 June - 20 August: 35,- EUR.
On arrival: 40,- EUR
Fee covers:
- Meals- 2 lunches and 1 dinner,
- refreshments,
- conference materials,
- administration fee.
Its possible to stay within the faculty, living in a school hostel.
First possible day of stay: 24.August.
Price per night: 5 EUR - without bed sheets, 7 EUR - with bed sheets
For registration please fill out the registration form.
If you have any dietary or health requirement (allergies etc.), please let us know in the optional message in the registration form.
This will help us to provide suitable food and refreshments.
Bank account: 2622740854/1100 with bank transfer.
Reference number: 111120120825
Bank Name: Tatra Banka,a.s. - Hodžovo nám. 3, Bratislava, Slovakia
IBAN: SK63 1100 0000 0026 2274 0854
Account Name: Calvary, OZ
Address: Puškinova 1, 811 04 Bratislava, Slovakia
In the message for recipient please include your name and surname.
Congregatio Sanctissimi Redemptoris (CSsR) - Redemptorists
Calvary and River of Life Fellowships
Salesians of Don Bosco
Catholic university in Ruzomberok
If you have any questions contact us on info@objavkrista.sk